How to rank on fiver in one week?

Ranking on Fiverr is the most important thing to start the freelancing on Fiverr. as we all know that Fiverr is the highly competitive marketplace with almost millions of sellers offering different services according to their skills. As there are millions of sellers offering services on the same or a different niches so there is a tough competition in all the sellers, the only way to to position out yourself from this tough competition is to rank your gigs to stand out o your specific niche. I am also working on Fiverr and you were surprised to know that I get my gigs ranked in a very small period of time and got orders I have achieved my level two badge may be in the 3 to 4 months!

Ranking is the key to gain visibility and to get more impressions and clicks on on your gigs the more you get impressions the more you get clicks, as more buyers clicks on your gigs the more will get to know about your services. As the ranking matters a lot but the luck has also played an important role to get the order!

You need to appear in front on the buyer so the buyer will see your gig and click on it. Because when the buyer clicks on your gig they will read the description, see the pricing of all the packages and think that you are the right person for him or not? So if he thinks you are the right person then He/She will text you in the inbox or they will directly place the order and submit the requirements and after this the order has been started.

Appear in front of buyer!

So the first thing we need to focus on is to appear in front of the buyer! Between the talk let me tell you an important thing that there are different kind if buyer since Fiverr is an international platform so there are buyers from different states, countries or city what so ever the case. What I mean to say is that the mindset of every buyer is different from every other buyer some of them have same mindset.

Different kinds of buyers:

Let me elaborate it for you to understand it easily! There are some buyers, they have a big budget for there work and they want a lot of professional work so they will focus on the buyers that appears on the first page or may be second only few buyers will move towards the third page or the forth one and so on but most probably they will find a professional person on the first or the second page because the who is professional and experienced has a lot of reviews and a level 2 tag or a top rated tag on there profile so they are ranked on the first page.

Now I will let you about the other types of buyers some buyers does not have a lot of budget but they want professional work but at some situations they will compromise on the work due to very small budget. So when they searched for any service on the Fiverr they already know that they cannot find a person with a small price on the first or second page or may be third one! They directly jumped to the seventh or eighth page may be the ninth one to find the right person according to there budget!

As we know when we create a new gig it is being reviewed by the Fiverr and after sometime it is active and appears in the search result so when it is appeared in the search result for some days or hours it is appeared on the last page or may be on some low volume keywords it appears on the seventh or the eighth page may be! If you remember I told you in the start that it a lot depends on the luck so this is what I mean that when the buyer who has a little bit small budget he will move towards the last pages or may be seventh or eighth page may be ( not sure exactly on which page buyer moves it all depends on their mind )

But the point is to be so much attractive that the buyer clicks on your gig even on the last page and in the start you have to decrease the price and you have to do a lot of work even in the small price just to get orders and getting feedback from the buyers. You have to do a quality work in the small budget so the client becomes happy from you and they will must use your service again and again so you will get more order! And as the buyer is satisfied and happy he himself left feedback on the order and the chances of ranking increase! One important thing that never ask the buyer to left a feedback on the order its all up to him that if he wants to do that he will do it you are not be able to ask him!

So now we come on some practical work to actually rank the gigs by dealing with Fiverr’s algorithm. Fiverr uses a unique algorithm that takes into account various factors like gig performance, relevance, seller activity, and customer satisfaction. We have to work on all of these these factors. It is not pretty much easy but I will let you how to deal with all of them and get your gigs ranked in a very small period of time. As I told you before I am also working on Fiverr and I have achieved my level two badge may be in the 3 to 4 months!

So it is not so difficult! The all you have to do is to work consistently. Create a lot of patience work day and night and polish your skills create a nice portfolio which attract the buyers a lot. I am not saying to do this stuff all over the day I know it is very boring but my friend if you want to achieve something big you will have to work with patience may be for sometime or a long period of time all depends on your hard work and belief in God that one day you will be rewarded for all your hard work and patience you made!

Fiverr’s Algorithm:

As I have told you before that once you published the new gig on any niche it will be reviewed by Fiverr and then it appears in the search result if anything in the gig is not according to Fiverr’s terms and conditions they will review them told you to change them and does not approve the gig until you fix that error! So then you have to analyze that mistake and edit your gig according to the terms and conditions and publish it again and wait for the Fiverr to approve the gig!

Let say your gig is approved by Fiverr in the very first try there are some question that arouse in your mind!

  • How does Gig behave according to Fiverr’s algorithm?
  • In how much time does Gig rank?
  • Does the Gig rank or not?
  • How to check weather the Gig ranking is improving or not?

No problem at all I will let you know the solutions to all of these problems!

How does Gig behave according to Fiverr’s algorithm?

Once you published the new gig it is being reviewed by Fiverr and then it appears in the search result. It appears on the last page may on the second last page on different keywords. after sometime the Fiverr’s algorithm start working and it will push your gig to the starting pages but it only happens when you are online constantly minimum 15 to 20 hours a day if you are online all the time even 24 hours a day which is logically impossible but if it happens it will help you a lot to be pushed by the Fiverr’s algorithm.

The all you have to do is to be online. According to Fiverr terms they make you offline after every 5 minutes so you have to refresh the browser after every 5 minutes you can easily do it on your mobile phone but if you do it on the desktop so that would be so much better than mobile. They prefer desktop over mobile phone!

In this way your chances to be pushed by Fiverr increased so much. But remember one thing most probably Fiverr pushed the new gigs at once but it is not fixed that in how much time they push the gig it can be happen on the very first day or may be in the next 4 to 5 months. But if you are online all the day it is confirmed that you will be pushed within few days! And you get the orders! Don’t you have to worry that if Fiverr pushed the gig or not we will rank it by using keywords and it will be confirmed that we can rank the gigs within few days.

In how much time does Gig rank?

Once you published the Gig it is confirmed that your Gig will rank in some time but there is a condition that you have to create your Gig after doing a lot of research on keywords using low volume keywords might help a lot to rank it soon. You have to use the keywords in the Gig title, description, in the pricing section where you can use it is very good for the ranking.

Once you use keywords in all the places the main place came now where the Fiverr ask for some tags on which you want your gig to be appear in the search so you have to add 5 tags ( Low volume tags ). So it might help a lot and if you do all this stuff it is confirmed that your gig must be ranked in the few days may be in a week or 2 to 3 weeks and you will receive an order!

Does the Gig rank or not?

The most asking question from every new freelancer on Fiverr that the Gig rank or not? So the answer is your Gig must be ranked only if you follow the terms and conditions of the Fiverr actually you have to do some SEO of the Gig!

Yeah one important thing the Gig image matters a lot you can add low volume keywords in the image because the image also perform a great role in SEO of the Gig. It will help a lot to rank the Gig in very few days.

How to check weather the Gig ranking is improving or not?

It is also an important question that many new sellers ask now a days. They cannot get to know that if there Gig ranking is improving or not!

Here’s the answer:

You can check the impressions and clicks on your every Gig. If the impressions and clicks are increasing day by day, it means that your Gig is going to be ranked and you will get the order as soon as you get more impressions and clicks on your Gig. If the impressions and clicks are not increasing and they are being decreasing day by day so you need to edit your Gig and you have to add some more tags to the Gigs.

Constant Gig Editing Improves RankingsFiverr encourages regular updates, but constantly editing gigs does not guarantee higher search rankings.
Keyword Stuffing Boosts VisibilityOverloading gigs with keywords can appear unnatural and may hurt your visibility rather than help it.
Logging in Frequently Boosts RankingsWhile being active is good for communication, frequent logins alone do not significantly affect rankings.
There’s a Secret Formula to the AlgorithmFiverr’s algorithm is complex and prioritizes quality service, customer satisfaction, and responsiveness.
Myth: High Impressions Guarantee OrdersHigh impressions are just visibility. Converting those impressions to orders depends on gig quality and reviews.
Fiverr Favors New Sellers or Top SellersFiverr aims for fairness; success comes from a good balance of service quality, consistency, and reviews.
This table presents a clear distinction between common myths about Fiverr’s algorithm and the realities sellers should focus on instead.

You are thinking that I am using the word Low Volume Keywords what does it mean?
Let me explain it to you

Low Volume Keywords:

The term low volume keyword means the words that are used to rank the Gigs.
So the questions which arise is we will use keywords to rank the gigs but what is the difference between keywords and the low volume keywords.

Low volume keywords means the keywords on which only few Gigs are available for the buyers to find a service you can check that which keyword is low volume and which keyword is high volume. You can identify them by searching them on the Fiverr. First of all you have to select a specific niche find different keywords and search them and you can see how many Gigs are available on that keyword.

If there are 1000 Gigs or maximum 2000 Gigs, it means that this keyword is low volume keyword and if there are more than 2000 or may be 3000 Gigs so it is considered as a high volume keyword. we don’t have to use these keywords because it is not so easy to rank the Gig on a high volume keyword.

So we need to do a lot of research on keywords and find the low volume keywords and use them in your Gig title, description and tags that Fiverr wants you add in the Gig. So in this way you can get your Gig ranked in just few days. By using low volume keywords it becomes very easy.


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